Mark Urbano
Though not technically a native, I moved to metro Atlanta when I was 10 years old in 1977. For the last 20 years, I have lived in the Murphey Candler Park neighborhood. My wife and I have a daughter who attends Chamblee High School. We love the Brookhaven and Chamblee areas and the wonderful friends we have met over the years.
What do you enjoy most about sharpening?
What I like most about sharpening is meeting new people! I've met all sorts of great people through "at-home sharpenings" and the farmers' markets I attend.
What's one thing you want people to know?
One of the more common questions I am asked is, "These knives are just some old, cheap knives. Can they even be sharpened or should I get new knives?" My opinion and advice on that is, yes, all knives can be sharpened. If you simply want to get new knives, then by all means, buy new knives. But if you like your old knives and they feel good in your hand, sharpen them.